Why I Decided to Become a Strategic CEO Coach and How I Work Differently

Home Blog Why I Decided to Become a Strategic CEO Coach and How I Work Differently

Starting a strategic CEO coaching practice is not just a business decision for me; it's a deeply personal journey rooted in my own experiences and passion for helping others. Here's why I chose this path and how my approach stands out.

A Lifelong Passion for Problem-Solving and Helping People

From a young age, I have been driven by a love for solving problems and a genuine desire to help people. Growing up as one of twelve children in a family that ran a donut shop, I learned the value of hard work and perseverance. My early experiences taught me that every problem has a solution, and I find great satisfaction in helping others find those solutions.

Relating to CEOs Through Shared Experiences

I didn't attend a prestigious college or have a family trust to fall back on. Instead, I worked my way through a modest college education by running a swimming pool cleaning service. This background allows me to relate to CEOs and founders who are in the trenches, solving problems and building their businesses from the ground up. I understand the challenges they face because I've faced them myself.

A Journey of Growth and Learning

Over the years, many friends and colleagues have sought my advice, and I feel incredibly fortunate to be in a position where I can offer guidance. My entrepreneurial journey began with no business experience, and yet, over 25 years, I grew my company, NewAir, from zero to nearly nine figures in sales, culminating in a successful exit to private equity. This journey was filled with mistakes and learning opportunities, giving me a unique perspective that I now share with others.

Empathy for Founders and CEOs

One thing I've noticed is that many coaches act more like therapists; they haven't walked in the shoes of a founder. My experience as a business owner allows me to empathize directly with CEOs and founders. I understand the sleepless nights, the weight of responsibility, and the relentless drive to succeed. This empathy is at the core of my coaching practice.

Focusing on the Big Issues

While many coaches emphasize getting systems in order, I believe that most companies need to focus on solving one to three big issues rather than addressing a hundred organizational problems. Larger, well-funded companies can afford to optimize all their systems, but CEO/founder-owned companies often need to understand the theory of constraints. This is where I focus my efforts, helping leaders identify and tackle the most critical challenges that will drive their business forward.

The Value of an Exit

After exiting my company, I finally understood the immense value of a well-planned exit strategy. I can guide other leaders to that destination, helping them build towards an exit that maximizes their hard work and dedication. An exit should be a long-term focus, and I am here to help CEOs and founders navigate that journey.

Providing Confirmation and Support

Sometimes, a CEO or founder just needs someone who truly understands their problems and can provide the confirmation to move forward with an action plan. I take great satisfaction in helping these leaders win, offering the support and guidance they need to achieve their goals.

In conclusion, my decision to become a strategic CEO coach is driven by a desire to give back to the entrepreneurial community and help others succeed. My approach is unique because it is grounded in real-world experience and empathy. If you're a founder or CEO looking for a coach who understands your journey and can help you achieve your vision, let's work together to turn your aspirations into reality.